Banned Books

28: I Want What I Want When I Want It... Again!



This week, Gillespie and Riley return to the problem of the will (with much help from Gerhard Forde) as Martin Luther expresses it in thesis thirteen of the Heidelberg Disputation.  Our Text: On Being a Theologian of the Cross, Gerhard Forde, The Problem of Will Show Notes:  Hip-hop Reviews of Metal Three Floyds Papal bull Interview with Ted Bundy One Things is Not Like the Other Heidelberg Theses Article Series (1517) — Questions? Comments? Show Ideas? Send them to us at Please subscribe, rate, and review the show in Apple Podcasts: We’re proud to be part of 1517 Podcasts, a network of shows dedicated to delivering Christ-centered content through weekly, monthly, and seasonal audio platforms. Our podcasts cover a multitude of content, from Christian doctrine, apologetics, cultural engagement, and powerful preaching. Find out more at 1517. And as always, don't forget Gillespie's coffee for your caffeinate