Banned Books

21: Just Follow The Step by Step Instructions



This week, Gillespie and Riley dig into a sermon by William Seymour, who was a key figure in the Asuza Street Revival outpouring. In particular, they zero in on baptism, the means of the Spirit, and why Christian preaching is a matter of death and new life. Our Text: William Seymour, Receive ye the Holy Ghost Show Notes:  William J. Seymour Azusa Street Revival William Seymour and the History of the Azusa Street Outpouring Joachim of Fiore Body is a Cage - Arcade Fire Parabol/Parabola - Tool Glory (1989) — Questions? Comments? Show Ideas? Send them to us at Please subscribe, rate, and review the show in Apple Podcasts: We’re proud to be part of 1517 Podcasts, a network of shows dedicated to delivering Christ-centered content through weekly, monthly, and seasonal audio platforms. Our podcasts cover a multitude of content, from Christian doctrine, apologetics, cultural engagement, and powerful preaching. Fi