

Life has many ups and downs, and we all have to go through them. Difficult situations are one of those things that sometimes we can't avoid, a situation in which we feel that we have lost our way, and we have a perception in which we believe that we are "victims of the circumstances ”. These events can be as inevitable as the loss of a loved one or a pet, difficult financial times, a love breakup, and even the loss of a job or the disapproval of a school subject. When we go through these situations, it is normal to want to throw everything down the drain and think things like “I have come this far, but I can't take it anymore”, to have feelings of sadness and frustration mixed with the stress that they can generate and can even paralyze us, minimizing our capacity for action. However, at these times is when it is essential to apply all our resilience and put into practice all the tools that we have acquired up to that moment to face these difficulties. While it is true that when we go through these hard situa