

We currently live in an era where technology is evolving rapidly, we now have the pressure of feeling like we should check what is going on with our friends and in the world almost every minute, but the reality is that we do not have the time or energy to take all that information in at the same time. On many occasions, these events that distract us, such as television with its series and news, the telephone with its social networks, and sometimes even people, separate us from our goals and desires. Today, focusing on our goals has perhaps become a little more difficult given all the obstacles that lie ahead, but it is still essential to succeed in life. Being able to focus is an important skill that allows us to be present on the path that we must take to achieve our goals, regardless of all the factors that may distract us from them. If we are undisciplined at the beginning, it can take a lot of work not to lose our way. A solution to this is to set small goals that lead us to the main one, hand in hand wit