

Flexibility is a concept that is applied in various fields, although people tend to think about gymnasts or ballerinas when hearing this word, in the psychological field it's oriented to the mental and cognitive part of a human being. It is very common to hear phrases like "you should be more flexible at times like these" but... what does it mean to be mentally flexible, and how can you achieve it? Being a flexible person means having the ability to adapt in the best way to the various situations that we may go through, many times being flexible leads to other things such as having a good attitude and an open mind to accept, respect, and understand others views and opinions. Flexibility is a good ally since by allowing ourselves to listen to others with ideas other than our own we can acquire new learnings, and if we use flexibility as a tool, we can open our mind to a circumstance or problem and try endless options to solve it. Inflexible people are characterized by resisting change, it takes them a lot of e