

Throughout the years, eating disorders have been portrayed in media as if it's only a problem that affects heterosexual, young, white females, but in reality, eating disorders have no boundaries and can affect people from any ethnicity, culture, or gender. And even when we don't want to accept it, we have more cases of eating disorders in our communities of color than we think. Eating disorders are viewed and treated differently depending on the culture where the affected one comes from; in the case of communities of color, we have a very deep connection with food, sometimes even turning it into a love language. This connection makes it difficult sometimes for the affected ones to get the correct treatment and support from their loved ones. Knowing this, How can we help ourselves or our loved ones who might be struggling with body image or eating disorders? In this episode, Dr. Carmen Román interviews Dr. Ghynecee Temple, who will tell us in a very insightful way, why the cases of eating disorders in people o