Into The Minds Of Madness

036 - Black Christmas (1974) + Star Wars - Death Troopers (2009)



Santa's sleigh is nearly stocked and ready for launch so Chris and Paul sat down to indulge in what was apparently Elvis Presley's favourite horror film, Black Christmas (1974)! And living in a post-The Last Jedi world Paul had to cover what is regarded as one of the best Star Wars horror stories out there, Star Wars: Death Troopers (2009) by Joe Schreiber, now a part of Legends Canon. We also hear from Friend Of The Show Linda Moulton from New York and her experiences in the bible belt of The United States watching last week's film Krampus. -----------  Into The Minds of Madness is a (generally) weekly horror movie podcast hosted by two good pals; the horror aficionado Chris Dicker and the easily terrified Paul McWhirter. Covering the classics, the just released, the oft-forgotten gems and the train wrecks of the genre. From monster flicks to home invasion thrillers, body horror to campy slashers and everything in between. Jump on iTunes and give us a head-spinning 5 stars and write us a review if you so des