Into The Minds Of Madness

031 - Slither (2006) and South Park 2017 Halloween Special



James Gunn's 2006 horror comedy Slither was a nice, fun ride! Written and directed by the Guardians of the Galaxy legend, featuring a weird southern Elizabeth Banks, a slimy Michael Rooker and Nathan 'Castle' Fillion. And as a caveat on last week's animation Halloween special episode, South Park just did a new one! Happy Listening!   ----------- Into The Minds of Madness is a (generally) weekly horror movie podcast hosted by two good pals; the horror aficionado Chris Dicker and the easily terrified Paul McWhirter. Covering the classics, the just released, the oft-forgotten gems and the train wrecks of the genre. From monster flicks to home invasion thrillers, body horror to campy slashers and everything in between. Jump on iTunes and give us a head-spinning 5 stars and write us a review if you so desire! Or if you wanna let us know what you're enjoying, send your hate mail or tell us there's somebody calling from inside the house, hit us up at or follow us on social media to keep up to date