
#188 Trip Report: Summit for Someone on Mt. Hood, part 1



In June, I had the opportunity to join a Summit for Someone climb on Mt. Hood to benefit Big City Mountaineers. It didn't look like the month of June though - the weather was, quite simply, terrible. The rain, snow, and wind made everything less certain and a summit bid unlikely. In this episode, you'll hear about my introduction to mountaineering, battling the elements, and how social influence impacts our decision making. BCM takes underserved urban youth on wilderness expeditions to help teach them critical life skills like leadership and teamwork. Summit for Someone is the fundraising arm where climbers pick their dream peak and raise money for the organization in the process. Joining me on this climb were Rob and Jasper, a father-son duo from Positive Tracks. Positive Tracks is a nonprofit that promotes the combination of philanthropy and athletics (or "sweat for good").  For 20% off our sponsor Stio, use the code "meister" at checkout at For 5% off our sponsor Bulls Bikes USA, use t