Go Solo Live

EP 082: A One-Way Ticket to Owning Your Happy



Many women adhere very well to the roles that society has set out for them - mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend. Buried behind all these is a woman with her own dreams, her own passion, her own definition of who she is. A lot do not escape this cycle, but today’s guest shares her inspiring story of leaving everything behind to find who she really is. Ronda Taylor was married for 23 years, is a mother, grandmother, and was the primary caregiver to her mother who has Alzheimer’s. She had dreams of travel but has always let obstacles get in the way. At 53, she decided she was not going to live one more year unhappy and not fulfilling her own dreams. 39 days later, she was on a one-way plane to Costa Rica. She is now living in “The City of Eternal Spring” Medellín, Colombia, the city that captured her heart. She has recently checked off the #1 item in her bucket list, is leading a community of women travellers, writing a book, building her online business, creating a legacy, and living her dream every day.