Go Solo Live

EP 065: Let’s Take a Year off to Go on a Family Trip



Paige Totaro is a travel blogger and travel group planner with two twin girls. When her children were 12 years old, she knew it was time for the entire family to take a year off and go traveling. How did she manage to do this without losing her mind? Find out on this week’s episode of Go Solo Live!   Key Takeaways: *Who is Paige and where is she currently located? *How did Paige get started solo traveling? *It took Paige a year of planning before she and her family could take a year off to travel. *Paige was very happy she did a family trip because everybody bonded together as a family. *What was Paige’s travel experience before she traveled with her family? *Paige took a writer’s workshop where she got to hike, think, and write with a group of ladies! *It’s not always practical to travel with the family. *What was it like to travel solo in Cuba? *How does Paige’s husband feel about her traveling solo? *What’s next for Paige? *What tips does Paige have for the moms who want to travel with the whole family? *P