Hsp Sos

HSP SOS #26 - Am I Enough?



Some HSPs struggle with the feeling that they just aren't enough.  Fear of disappointing others, combined with self-doubt, can convince highly sensitive persons that friends and loved ones would be happier without them around. In this very intimate and personal episode of HSP SOS, Michelle puts The Captain on the spot and forces him to reconsider his own worth.  If you ever find yourself feeling like you are too much, yet at the same time not enough, then please listen. There are many reasons that HSPs struggle the most with the people they love the most, but there are also many things we can do to put our lives and relationships back into perspective. ---- Links to articles "In a Relationship with a Highly Sensitive Person?  Here's What You Need to Know."  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/22/highly-sensitive-person-relationship_n_7614832.html   "Can There Be Too Much Romantic Sensitivity" https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-the-name-love/201504/can-there-be-too-much-romantic-sensitivity -----