Go Solo Live

EP 058 It Is Time to Start Asking for What We Want



Phylecia Jones is a budgetologist, speaker, and world traveler. Phylecia is all about living the life you want as long as you plan accordingly for it. What’s the point of putting extra financial stress on yourself and paying everything off (with interest) from a trip you took two years ago? On today’s show, Phylecia offers simple tips that you can do today to start building a travel budget, stop doing that credit card dance, and to get a better control over your finances for more meaningful travel.   Key Takeaways: *Who is Phylecia and what does she do? *When Phylecia and her husband got married, they had to sit down for about a week to get both their finances straight. *You want to get all the boring financial stuff out of the way first before you budget for travel. *Believe it or not, Phylecia doesn’t use spreadsheets when she does budgeting! *One of the ways Jennifer saves money is by having roommates. *When Phylecia and her husband got married, they discussed what they wanted out of their marriage for the