Go Solo Live

EP 055 Don't Let Fear-Mongering Distract You From Traveling to New Destinations



Clara Chorley had always wanted to travel to Africa, but due to fear mongering and stories of it being dangerous, it kept pushing her back. However, her deep desire to visit slowly crept up on her, until one day, and after 14 years of procrastination, she couldn’t ignore it anymore and decided to take the leap. Since then, Clara has traveled the world and there’s one thing that she’s consistently noticed throughout every situation: People are inherently good. Don’t let stories of woe and dread hold you back from solo travel and being transformed!   Key Takeaways: *What got Clara started on this path of solo travel? *The United States is so huge and Clara has noticed that a lot of Americans don’t leave the country. *In Europe, it’s just easier to go to a neighboring country and be immersed in a completely different culture. *Clara has seen that there’s a lot of fear-mongering when it comes to traveling to ‘dangerous’ places. *How does Clara know when a place is going to be okay? *It’s very important that you g