Hsp Sos

HSP SOS #18 - Letting Go



As a highly sensitive person, or empath, it is extremely challenging to ignore, brush off, or forget about our experiences with others.  Failed relationships, uncomfortable situations at work, “bad” decisions, and even passing comments made by strangers can haunt our memories for years.  In this episode, Michelle and the Captain explore their ability to forgive and forget.  They discuss how even if they can forgive someone, there are many reasons why their highly sensitive personalities won’t allow them to just let it go.  Michelle shares the latest research on genetic memory, and challenges the Captain to consider if painful memories serve a positive purpose in the present.  It’s a whole lot of geekery filled  Feelz on episode #18 of HSP S.O.S. ---- Resources: 8 Reasons Why Letting Go Can Be Extra Hard for an HSP http://thehappysensitive.com/8-reasons-why-letting-go-can-be-extra-hard-for-hsps/   Emory University Research Article http://emorymedicinemagazine.emory.edu/issues/2014/spring/features/the-anatomy-o