Hsp Sos

HSP SOS #4 - Sensitive Superheroes



Has a protagonist in a book or a character on a television show or movie ever become one of your closest friends?  Have you cried or felt depressed at the end of a favorite series or death of a beloved character?  Many highly sensitive persons form deep connections with the people in literature and films.  This doesn't make them weird or socially awkward, as a matter of fact this all makes a lot of sense based on the characteristics of the highly sensitive trait.  On this episode of HSP SOS, Michelle and The Captain discuss how imaginary friends and fictional characters can be beneficial for HSP children and adults. They also geek-out about something called superhero therapy! ---- Links to resources mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcKYIYwFf58 TEDx “Adults Need More Imaginary Friends” by Andrew Roblyer http://www.superhero-therapy.com/ Dr. Janina Scarlet’s Super Hero Therapy Website   https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/beyond-heroes-and-villains/201505/superhero-therapy-fears-do-not-make-heroes-a