Go Solo Live

EP 002 Step out of Your Introverted Shell through Solo Travel



Tina Erdmann is a photographer and introvert at heart. Traveling alone first started for Tina when she moved to Colorado at a young age and began venturing out into the local area, meeting new people. This slowly opened a door for her, so she began traveling further and further away from her home state and began to explore more of the United States on her own. Eventually, she made her first international solo trip in 2008 when she was in her mid-30s. Tina says her photography has become an excellent ice breaker for foreigners and traveling alone has really helped her come out of her introverted shell. She is no longer afraid of walking up to strangers and talking with them. Traveling alone gives you time for self-discovery and to answer some much needed questions about yourself. People might see you as selfish for deciding to take space for yourself, but honestly, selfishness isn't a bad thing! You end up becoming a much more giving person when you practice self-care.   Key Insights: *Where was Tina in her li