Go Solo Live

EP 001 What's a 36-year-old American Woman Doing Traveling Alone? Duh, She's Living Life!



Hello everyone! Jennifer Buchholz here. I'm so glad to introduce you to the first episode of Go Solo Live, where we introduce inspiring women who are out there living their life to the fullest. My goal for this podcast is to showcase how the world isn't really that scary of a place, especially if you know how to take the appropriate measures.  Joining me on this episode is Kelly McDermott, someone who decided to get out there and travel when she was 36-years-old. After coming out of a divorce, Kelly found herself needing more out of life. People all over the world have some pretty old-fashioned ideas about women and traveling alone and Kelly addressed some of those on our call. Despite experiencing a bit of prejudice, Kelly still wouldn't change the experience for the world.   Key Insights: *Why are you traveling alone? What an old-fashioned question! *Who is Kelly? *Where was Kelly before she decided to travel by herself? *Kelly wasn't running away. She made a concise choice to travel and recover from a bad