Movers & Shapers: A Dance Podcast

MSP 117: Duke Dang



Today's guest is Duke Dang. Since 2006 Duke has served as the General Manager of Works & Process, the performing arts series at the Guggenheim (NYC), where he oversees nonprofit administration and manages the logistics of the artistic programming. He and Producer Caroline Cronson collectively curate the organization’s programs and commissions that traditionally take place in the theater of the Guggenheim, but in recent years have expanded to include works commissioned and made in and for the Guggenheim rotunda. In response to the pandemic, since April 2020 Works & Process has virtually commissioned 85 new works and supported over 300 artists. Under Duke’s leadership Works & Process has led the way in producing bubble residencies as a means for artists to safely gather, create, perform and work. For more on Duke and show notes: Movers & Shapers: A Dance Podcast