Movers & Shapers: A Dance Podcast

MSP 116: Kathryn Alter



Today's guest is Kathryn Alter. Kathryn a choreographer, teacher, and dancer living in New York City. She danced with the Limón Dance Company for 15 years and is currently the Associate Program Director of the Limón Professional Studies Program. She teaches the Limón Company and students of the Limón Institute, has reconstructed the works of José Limón for the Ballet Nacional de México in México City in 2018 and Ballet am Rhein en Düsseldorf in 2020, and leads Limón workshops nationally and internationally. Her choreographic work has been shown across the United States and abroad. Kathryn is a part of the N.A.D.I.N.E. Project and helps to organize the Choreographers’ Collective concerts in New York City. For more info on Kathryn and show notes:  Movers & Shapers: A Dance Podcast