Movers & Shapers: A Dance Podcast

MSP 102: Preeti Vasudevan



Today's guest is Preeti Vasudevan. Preeti is an exponent of classical Indian dance (Bharatanatyam) creating new provocative contemporary works from the Indian tradition questioning the role of identity in contemporary lives. She is the first artist of Indian descent to receive recognitions from top institutions in the US for her outstanding contribution to dance. Some highlights include: 2019 Dance Lab New York / Joyce Theater Foundation Creation Grant; 2019 Virginia B. Toulmin Fellowship for Women Leaders in Dance; 2018 Lincoln Center Award for Emerging Artists; 2018 Selected Artist, DanceMotion USA Follow-On Program with the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM); and 2018 Jerome Robbins Dance Division’s Dance Research Fellowship, NY. Preeti partners her educational and creative leadership with world-impacting organizations as Silkroad founded by legendary musician Yo-Yo Ma and the National Dance Institute. Her ground-breaking educational website, Dancing for the Gods (in collaboration with the Dept of Education,