Blending The Family With Tommy Maloney

EP 214 Divorce At Altitude with Ryan Kalamaya



I hate recording in hotel rooms but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. PRE-ORDER: My Dads Advice At 5:04 AM   The tables get turned as I was the guest on the Altitude at Divorce podcast with Ryan Kalamaya.    Topics: How I was asked for a divorce Stoic Philosophy and parenting Bonus vs Step     Tommy Maloney is the Executive producer and host of the podcast Blending The Family, where you can find on Apple Podcasts, Iheart Radio, Spotify, and Stitcher Radio.    Tommy has spoken at TEDx, Ignite Fort Collins, and Keynote Speaker at Everything Dad Convention. He even has won speaking awards through Toastmasters International.    The author of the book "25 Tips For Divorced Dads." "Why not you, Why Not Me" and His new book, "My Dad's Advice At 5:04 AM," are coming out in 2021. He has written for magazines: The Good Men Project, Modern Gladiator, and Nurture Magazine. Plus, he has been a guest writer.   Tommy enjoys a good red blend while writing or hiding from the family.