Rising Stories

Rising Stories #121 Latina Equal Pay Day



  Today is a recognized day for women like me. It's Latina Equal Pay Day. A day to bring awareness to this inequality in the U.S. As the host of Rising Stories Podcast and Regional Leader for Lean In Tennessee, I want to share some data today from Lean IN.org on the pay gap for Latina women and the implications it has had on our futures and our families.    Here are just a few calls to action provocations.  Many Equal Rights Advocates are taking the lead on implementation and enforcement efforts related to the Fair Pay Act. Find out who they are in your city.  Vote at this year’s election on November 6.  Tell your representatives in Congress to vote for legislation that will close the Latina Wage Gap.  Read and Share the LeanIn.org & McKinsey annual study Women in the Workplace Support your Latina co-workers & friends (don’t have one, connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram) You can also turn awareness into action by joining a Lean In circle and taking strides toward a more equal world. Lean In Ci