Rising Stories

Rising Stories #99 Krista Anderson - from Hospital Bed to CEO



What would you do if you were given just 3 months to live? Her cancer was progressing quickly, the mass was wrapped around her arteries, pressing her lunch and near her heart. "Inoperable" were the doctors’ words to her. Chemo treatments left her in utter despair. But Krista Anderson believed that she would beat this thing. Not only did she beat it but she has since started her own company called Esstar, A Natural Food brokerage company. Krista tells us about her journey from hospital bed to now working with convenience stores nationwide to provide customers with healthy snack options. Krista had a chance to meet Michelle Obama as part of the Healthier America partnerships. I met Krista in her home and we talked about her fight to wholeness.    Show Notes  What she is loving:  France & French Food Goodwill Stores Bulletproof Coffee  To find out about the snack Krista gave me head over to the show notes with the link below, that says show notes! App- Yelp Her book: Claim Your Healing   Don't forget to visi