Finding Asheville Podcast

Tell Me A Story



When you think of storytelling, you probably picture people sitting around a campfire trading tall tales of action, adventure, horror, or even comedy. That type of entertainment is as old as mankind itself, and continues to this day. This week we spoke to professional storyteller David Joe Miller. David tell us what it's like to be a storyteller, where he got his start, how he can make a living at it, and what you can do to get started telling tales. We were also lucky enough to have him share one of his stories with us. Stoke the fire and get the smores ready for this episode of Finding Asheville. More about David Joe Miller: Be sure to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes here to get new episodes to download to your listening devices each week and get caught up on past episodes! Oh and if you are feeling super nice like the Finding Asheville Facebook page here.