Muni Diaries

Ep. 57: Senait Hailemariam on being 21 on Muni



Storyteller Senait Hailemariam uses her time on the K/T train to tell her mom about her life as a twenty-something: it's the only form of therapy she can afford, she says. One day, she encounters a kind stranger who had a surprising reaction upon hearing Senait's phone conversation.   Senait is a San Francisco transplant who studied Digital Communication at San Francisco State University. Senait now works at BAYCAT, a nonprofit media production studio that educates and employs young people in digital media. You can check out BAYCAT at   If you liked what you heard on this episode, please rate and share our podcast! We are always looking for storytellers to share a slice of life in San Francisco, whether it is on or off the bus. If you have a story you'd like to tell, please email us at