Dharmabytes From Free Buddhist Audio

What is Enlightenment?



In celebration of Wesak, the Buddhaand#8217;s Awakening, todayand#8217;s FBA Dharmabyte takes us right to the heart of the matter: What is Enlightenment? and#8216; From the 1975 lecture by Sangharakshita titled and#8220;The Ideal of Human Enlightenmentand#8221;, we are concisely and beautifully reminded of the three aspects of Awakening in the Buddhist tradition: i. radiant, pure clear awareness entirely transcending duality; ii. an intense, overflowing love and compassion for all that lives; iii. an inexhaustible mental and spiritual energy, absolute spontaneity and creativity continuously bubbling up. This talk is part of the series and#8220;Human Enlightenmentand#8221;.