Dharmabytes From Free Buddhist Audio

Engaging with the Historical Buddha



Todayand#8217;s FBA Dharmabyte, and#8220;Engaging with the Historical Buddhaand#8221; offers us a glimpse of the talk, Searching for the Buddha, from the major new series of talks by Vishvapani to mark the launch of his new book: and#8216;Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened Oneand#8217; (Quercus, 2011). The act of engaging with the historical Buddha is an act of imagination. Discarded bits of rag, the texture of his face, the color of his skin, his physical form and his presence as it was compared to a Lionand#8217;s Roar, and other elements of the natural world. Talk given at the Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2011.