Ai With Ai

Where the Dan Board Are



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, including, the UK government releases its National AI Strategy, a 10-year plan to make the country a global AI superpower [1:28]. Stanford University’s One Hundred Year Study on AI Project releases its second report, Gathering Strength, Gathering Storms, assessing developments in AI between 2016 and 2021 around fourteen framing questions. [4:57] The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights calls for a moratorium on the sale and use of AI systems that pose series risks to human rights until adequate safeguards are put into place. [10:07] Jack Poulson at Tech Inquiry maps out US government use of AI-based weapons and surveillance, using publicly available information. [12:07] Researchers at Hebrew University examine the potential of single cortical neurons as deep artificial neural networks, finding that a deep neural network with 5-8 layers are necessary to approximate them. [16:10] Researchers at Stanford review the different architectures of neuronal cir