Systems For Success

27. Navigating Roles and Relationships Between Parents and Adult Children



Nobody said parenting would be easy! Especially, when your kids are growing into adulthood. They are ever-changing, and everything happens very fast.  Are you being a good parent to your adult child? Are you still treating your 21-year-old the way you treated him back when he was 14? Many parents struggle to navigate their role in their children’s life as they transition into adulthood. Just like how your child evolves and grows, so should your relationship with them. As parents, you must learn to relate to your grown-up child appropriately. You have to learn to listen more and let them talk about their thoughts and feelings. How do you create a strong bond with your adult adult-children? Join us in this episode, as we talk about navigating roles and relationships between parents and adult children. You’ll learn about the common beliefs that surround the parent and adult-child relationship. As well as the 4 phases to intentionally transition our parenting approach throughout the stages of our children’s lives