Systems For Success

24. What Will Your Family Look Like Seven Generations From Now?



What Will Your Family Look Like Seven Generations From Now? I was really on the hot seat. I felt like I was being interrogated! Almost a hundred people were staring at me as I stood under the bright lights. One after another they bombarded me with deeply personal questions like: "What is your deepest fear in regard to this?" and "What is behind that fear?" and "Isn't this really all about you wanting control?" I had to answer too. Was I sweating it out! The scene of my mental torture was a conference in Miami for families and family business owners. The facilitator of the conference had asked me that morning to volunteer at her session if no one else did. I had easily agreed. I am not uncomfortable on stage. I figured I’d be up there for a couple of minutes and that would be it. Simple. Yet the hour-long grilling was so intense, I wished I had never agreed to be a guinea pig! The facilitator has a proprietary system for how to solve problems by asking effective questions. The questions were effective all righ