Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #113 Tanisha Moner



Riding Shotgun With Charlie#113Tanisha MonerNRA Instructor Chief Range Safety Officer, Legally Armed In Detroit   Tanisha Moner and I met this past March at the Florida Carry Speaker Event.  I was there to play the Star Spangled Banner and she was there with Rick Ector (RSWC #032) to find more instructors who want to be involved with Rick’s event.  Rick has been doing a free event for women in the Detroit area for 10 years.  His goal is to train as many women as possible.  Tanisha is the person who organizes the event for Rick.    Tanisha grew up in a household around firearms. Her father always had them around and in every room. She was kidnapped and robbed then  sexually assaulted at gunpoint when she was a teenager.  The men who did this to her were serial rapists, who were eventually caught and went to prison. After that, she was afraid of firearms and rightfully so.  She wanted to change that.  She had a talk with herself and realized that guns are inanimate objects and there’s no reason to be afraid of