Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #112 Stephannie Weidner



Riding Shotgun With Charlie#112Stephannie WeidnerCEO, Active Self Protection Stephannie Weidner has been coming up on my Facebook page as “someone you might know” for a long time. I’m friends with her husband, Neil. She and I also have a lot of friends in common.  Finally we got the chance to meet at the end of the MAG40 class in Sioux Falls, SD.  Neil and I and a number of us met for drinks and decompression after the classes ended. She was also highly recommended by some of the participants in The Mingle head by Shelley Hill, RSWC #089.   Stephannie skims over the home life and how the Weidner’s got into firearms. The backstory is they were new foster parents and took in a child from a large, dysfunctional family.  When one of the family members said they were coming to take the child is when Neil & Stephannie decided it was time to learn more about firearms and self defense.    As new gun owners, they turned to the Active Self Protection (ASP) YouTube channel. There's a lot of great info there!  Eventu