Wreck My Podcast

Ep 120: The Shining (Wreck My Hotel)



All work and no play makes Wreck My Podcast dull boys. This week, we wreck your next hotel stay by telling you all about the horror classic, The Shining! BUY OUR MERCH! We now have a Redbubble store, so just go to www.wreckmypodcast.com and click the button at the top to Shop Our Merch! HELP US OUT! Rate, Review, and Subscribe where you can for some emotional support! Check Out PATREON For Cool Stuff: https://www.patreon.com/wreckmypodcast THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS! You Make This Show Possible: Ryan Budds from Trivia With Budds, Cole Phen of Cole Phen Enterprises, Lowtree Studios, The Brew Interviews, Joe Janero from The Comic Book Rundown, Marissa Colatrella, Christopher Adamowicz, Charlie Shaw, Brian Breaker, Ashley Vaughn, Kaitlyn Rhoten, Wayne Pilon, Jarrod Crawford, Tim France, Miss Ginge Thank you so much to Ben from Petrified Gumbo Music for our amazing intro songs! If you are in need of any composition for your podcast, show, or business, be sure to check him out and give him a shout at https://www.petr