Wreck My Podcast

Ep 36: Emo and Pop Punk Music Trivia (Wreck My Music)



Let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster! This week, we take trip back to a simpler time, when emo and pop punk music were on everyone's mind. Do we still remember all the songs and bands that were popular with us at the time? Play along with us, and see how well you know the scene as we challenge our memory and possibly wreck some music. Disclaimer: there will be a lot of terrible singing in this episode. Use the Amazon link at the top of our website to help us out financially without paying anything out of pocket! www.wreckmypodcast.com Check Out PATREON For Cool Stuff: https://www.patreon.com/wreckmypodcast THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS! You Make This Show Possible: Ryan Budds from Trivia With Budds Cole "Cole Train" Phen Check out these podcasts if you like ours: Music Crush Monday Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/music-crush-monday/id1364301746?mt=2 Lead Singer Syndrome https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lead-singer-syndrome-with-shane-told/id1056952502?mt=2 Trivia With Budds Podcast http