

Show Notes   When our son left home I became an empty nester and wondered, who am I now? I was feeling disconnected from my life and told myself I had no right to feel that way – after all, I had a great home, son, husband and career I began to ask myself the hard questions, starting with “why am I feeling this way?” I knew I needed a significant lifestyle change– my background of all or nothing thinking was simply not sustainable I replaced mindless social media scrolling with a mindset upgrade and decided to prioritise me I needed replace the automatic stories in my head that “I couldn’t change”, and that focusing on my own fitness and health “was self-absorbed”. I also needed to change my relationship with food which was very black and white – there is good food and bad food and very little in between I bought an apple watch, a bike, joined a gym, enrolled in a program that focused on mindset and gradually things began to change As my positivity and confidence reappeared, I began to question my career too