

When Maria started on this entrepreneurial adventure she told herself “if in 5 years’ time I can’t make it work, I can always go and get a job”. Once she realised she needed to let go of the idea of there being a formula to follow, she was able to see that she’d been going in the wrong direction, trying to build a business based on the wrong things, overriding her own intuition. This realisation freed her and the result – a beautiful, bountiful thriving business that supports her just as much as she supports her clients all around the world.   Show Notes   You need to try, you need to know you gave IT a shot Trust your gut, you’re the only one who knows what’s right for you Let go of the opinions of others – that’s tremendously freeing! Get a Mentor to help with emotional mastery   I now know to make decisions in business and life that are based on my values – Truth, Service and more recently, Sovereignty   The most important thing you can do in business is build relationships   My philosophy is to