Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

119 Is it time to start marketing again?



We’re feeling the shift. It’s time for a return, or is that actually a start, of what many have referred to as “the new normal”.  Borders are reopening. Gatherings are starting again. We’re remerging from one of the most unexpected and challenging times for business owners and individuals and you may be asking yourself, is it “business as usual? Do I simply market in the same ways I was before?”.   Kellie O’Brien and I got together to chat about the emerging trends were seeing in the market and with our own clients and would like to share our observations to add to yours.    Show Notes   Many businesses adapted their way of being, identifying new opportunities, pivoting to online – are there changes you’ll be making?   Some business owners (like me) have, on reflection, found they were previously “addicted to busy” and are now deciding on a new approach   Consistent strategy and captivating storytelling are still in style, and always will be   The most important action you can take is to listen to your