Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

118 The importance of being seen, heard and understood



You will probably have heard about the Know, Like and Trust factor, the KLT in business. All three of these things are incredibly important. But I have found there is something even more important and it needs to come first. This is the Seen, Heard and Understood factor, the SHU, if you like. I believe this is the most important thing you can focus on. It’s about getting off you and getting more into the shoes of these people that you're here to serve. And the magic is, when you focus on providing value, transparency and authenticity when you focus on being interested rather than on being interesting, when the members of your community do feel seen, heard and understood, they tend to like and trust you! This episode unpacks this approach more for you. Show Notes The SHU Factor is enhanced by:   Narrowing your focus to deepen your impact – when you focus on a particular slice of the market, you are better equipped to meet them where they are at, developing a deeper understanding of what they are experiencing