

In this episode, we explore how you might be self-sabotaging yourself by asking the wrong questions.  Your brain is a meaning-seeking machine and so when you pose questions, it will happily supply answers to you. If the questions you ask create disempowering answers, they become roadblocks that can keep you stuck in discontent and results that are far from delightful! Once you recognise this tendency, you can change it, asking better quality questions that are expansive and supportive and help you to move around self-sabotage and into growth. Show Notes The first step towards asking better questions is to recognise that you have a result in your business and life that is not what you desire. This self-awareness opens the door to change. Underneath the result is a behaviour, and that action, of lack of action, is created by your feelings. The questions you ask yourself can be empowering and expansive, leading to positive feelings and actions or they can be disempowering and reductive, creating roadblocks that