

Deciding what to charge for your services can sometimes create confusion and tension! In this episode, I walk you through some of the key considerations when setting your prices to make the experience a little easier. Whilst there is no magic formula to reach an answer, as each business is so very personal, there is guidance to help you make a decision and there is always opportunity to change your pricing when you’ve had feedback from your market. Show Notes Pricing decisions should not be made in isolation – there are several factors that exert influence over your price points Don't be afraid of competition – it’s actually a good thing as it shows you that there is a market for whatever it is that you're offering. Where do you want to be positioned in the marketplace? Are you going to be really accessible, set in the middle portion of the market or sit way up high? Create a positioning matrix to map the market – investment level/price on one axis and level of service on the other. Place yourself and other