Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

112 How to welcome change - with Jo Hanlon



Is the ability to handle change well to grab opportunities when they present themselves to you an inherited personality trait or is it more like a muscle, something that you can build with experience and time? My guest today, Joe Hanlon has her fair share of handling change. She's moved through careers and industries and has now landed in a place that feels really aligned with her sense of purpose in this next chapter of her life.  "Change, cultures and conversations" they've always been a part of my life, they've been woven together in many adventures!" Jo's story is one with many chapters, with forays from nursing to sales and self-employment across countries and continents. The environments may have changed, but the focus never did - "My purpose is to help people develop their own strengths, and I love to work with people who want to change and I made the leap into self-employment at 48 to embrace more impact, significance and contribution" Our conversation is anchored in the concepts of self-trust, valu