Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

107 What do you stand for? Your Manifesto with Angela Raspass



What do you stand for? It’s an important question to ponder. Write your manifesto with an open heart and mind. Be curious. Explore what’s important to you, what you stand for, believe and want for your clients, and for the world. Keep it private to inspire and motivate yourself or share it far and wide to inspire and motivate others, to create connection to begin conversations. I’ve had a manifesto from another website up on my wall for quite some time. It feels rather fabulous to now have my own. Show notes What I believe Next Chapters are built on skinned knees, where breakdowns become breakthroughs… Allow yourself to be fully seen and put good things into the world. It’s through your story that others will find their path, and what a joy and a privilege that is. Everything you need is inside of you now. Search for it. Give yourself permission to shine. Self-belief is your superpower. Your worth is unquestionable. Stay connected to your truth and always speak to yourself with compassion and encouragement.