Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

103 How to escape the Comparison Trap with Angela Raspass



We live and work in such a hyper-visible and connected online world today. The windows and front door to our competitor’s businesses are wide open to us through their websites and social media platforms. And so we can find ourselves visiting all too often, obsessing over what services and programs they’re offering, how many comments they’re getting on their blogs and FB Lives, how many people are in their groups, what marketing activities they’re implementing and so on and so on… Occasionally these surreptitious forays can be positively affirming as you benchmark yourself. But in my personal experience, and in hearing the stories of dozens of clients, it’s far more common that these forays see you tumbling headfirst into The Comparison Trap. It’s a place I’ve often fallen into and that’s why I’ve created a 4 step approach to escaping it, quickly! Show Notes There is an endless number of people you could compare yourself, your business and your achievements too, and it’s all too easy to do so, even when you i