Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

75 Uncover Your Next Chapter Business Purpose - Angela Raspass



From the earliest days of teenage angst, locked away in my bedroom journaling intensely, I seem to have been asking the question “what am I here for???” I still check in with that question today. Quite regularly. But now, rather than seeking a lightening bolt of inspiration from the sky, I’m asking it to pivot, to stay on my path, to ensure I am aligned in my business and life.    And given the fact there are more than 135,000 searches on Google for “purpose” each month, it seems that I’m in good company. And so are you.   I believe our Next Chapter Businesses are very much at the intersection of contribution and fulfilment. We’re happiest when we are being of usefulness and value to others, using our unique talents, skills and life experiences to serve. When we feel light and energised, immersed in work that has meaning for us in a business that serves us just as much as it serves our clients.   This new series on the Your Next Chapter Podcast, Business and Life Beyond 40, explores Purpose, Passion and Reinv