Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

69 Review and Renew for 2018 - Angela Raspass



As the end of 2017 draws ever nearer, we need to take the time to review our year, to consider what went well, what didn’t go quite as planned and what you will continue, change, let go of and introduce for the new year. In my Mastermind end of year review sessions, we talk about how the year can deliver curve balls, medicine balls and wrecking balls – in all, it seldom goes exactly as you envisaged! What is vital is your ability to reflect and extract the learning’s from your experiences, to tune into your heart and make some choices about how you’d like to show up in 2018. And so this audio training walks you through some of the key steps to do just that and it comes complete with a copy of my slides from the webinar this audio is drawn from and the workbook attendees received to complete – to turn their ideas into action.