Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

53 Brenda Tsiaousis: The courage to bloom



In 2009 Brenda and her family arrived in Tasmania from South Africa. It was a dream come true, a breath of fresh air, a safe haven and the opportunity to start afresh after a corporate career.  But it was also a shock.  “I not very domesticated, and didn’t do well in captivity” laughed Brenda when we spoke. “And to be honest, I felt as though I had lost my identity. I was no longer the Corporate High Achiever. So who was I? I had no job in this new city, was a stay at home Mum for the first time in a very long time and I wanted, needed, to contribute. And so the journey into redefining myself began”.  Brenda’s ‘Phoenix moment” revealed itself when she was googling “work from home” and the amongst all of the results, the topic of coaching came up. She realise that she wanted to be coached, to help her find a new path forward. The door opened, the dots connected and not long after, Brenda found herself travelling to Melbourne completing Certificate 4 in Coaching.   Today Brenda provides a powerful blend of busi