Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

49 with Penney Fox: Sharing Pinterest Secrets



Penney was, in her own words, “terrified” when she left her corporate job, wondering how on earth she would ever be paid again. That’s a familiar feeling for many of us who step out into a whole new world when we leave the security of a weekly paycheck behind. It wasn’t easy at first, but Penney soon began to realise that trial and error and the courage to say yes to opportunities even when she was not entirely sure she had all the answers were the keys to growth and confidence. “I was so happy to realise that the things I’d done in my 20’s, 30’s ad 40’s, none of them had been wasted, it’s all connected and every single experience I had has been of value for my business and life today” If you are enjoying this show, please take a moment to review the Next Chapter Podcast in iTunes - your feedback is hugely appreciated and very helpful. If you have not left an iTunes review before and are not quite sure how to, I've created a page on my website that takes you through the very easy steps- you can view that page