Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

47 with Veronica Strachan : Finding your way Home



It was a slow wake up, a resurfacing for Veronica. A growing realisation that she was no longer willing to follow other people’s agendas or help to build other people’s dreams. Although her career to date had been fulfilling and impactful and definitely successful by any means of measurement, it was time for change. It was her turn. Her time to create the business that was calling her. And there was a deeper realisation too. A readiness to embrace the truth that true joy had left many years prior, when her young daughter passed away. Emotions had been pushed down that needed to be brought to the surface and expressed. It was time for transformation, in all its forms! The quest for wholeness began. If you are enjoying this show, please take a moment to review the Next Chapter Podcast in iTunes - your feedback is hugely appreciated and very helpful. If you have not left an iTunes review before and are not quite sure how to, I've created a page on my website that takes you through the very easy steps- you can vi