Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

45 with Larissa Halls and Angela Raspass: Setting the right goals for YOU



One of the “secret weapons” of my business and life is Larisa Halls from Everyday Inspiration. Larissa has helped me work through many of the mindset challenges that inevitably pop up when you are committed to expansion and her insights, provocative questions and ability to facilitate deep self-awareness and change over time has been invaluable. So much so that I’ve decided to open up one Podcast episode a month to wholehearted discussion about all things mindset and personal development. We’ll range across a myriad of topics when we get together, sharing our own experiences and exploring common themes and new ideas, and welcome your questions too. In todays episode, we talk about setting the “right” goals – what does that mean for you?  If you are enjoying this show, please take a moment to review the Next Chapter Podcast in iTunes - your feedback is hugely appreciated and very helpful. If you have not left an iTunes review before and are not quite sure how to, I've created a page on my website that takes yo